

翻訳1-9『The Adventure of the Second Stain』

シャーロック・ホームズの短編『第二の血痕(The Adventure of the Second Stain)』の原作を、自分好みに気楽に訳しています。



The Return of Sherlock Holmes/Chapter 13 - Wikisource, the free online library


I could see from Holmes' rigid face that he was vibrating with inward excitement.

“Look here, Lestrade,” said he, “has that constable in the passage been in charge of the place all the time?”

“Yes, he has.”



“Well, take my advice. Examine him carefully. Don't do it before us. We'll wait here. You take him into the back room. You'll be more likely to get a confession out of him alone. Ask him how he dared to admit people and leave them alone in this room. Don't ask him if he has done it. Take it for granted. Tell him you know someone has been here. Press him. Tell him that a full confession is his only chance of forgiveness. Do exactly what I tell you!”



“By George, if he knows I'll have it out of him!” cried Lestrade. He darted into the hall, and a few moments later his bullying voice sounded from the back room.

「そうだったのか! あいつが知ってるなら言わせてやる!」レストレードは叫んだ。彼は玄関ホールに飛び出して行き、数分後にはレストレードの厳しい声が奥の部屋から聞こえてきた。


“Now, Watson, now!” cried Holmes with frenzied eagerness. All the demoniacal force of the man masked behind that listless manner burst out in a paroxysm of energy. He tore the drugget from the floor, and in an instant was down on his hands and knees clawing at each of the squares of wood beneath it.



One turned sideways as he dug his nails into the edge of it. It hinged back like the lid of a box. A small black cavity opened beneath it. Holmes plunged his eager hand into it, and drew it out with a bitter snarl of anger and disappointment. It was empty.



“Quick, Watson, quick! Get it back again!” The wooden lid was replaced, and the drugget had only just been drawn straight when Lestrade's voice was heard in the passage. He found Holmes leaning languidly against the mantelpiece, resigned and patient, endeavouring to conceal his irrepressible yawns.

「早く、ワトソン、早く! 元に戻せ!」木の床の蓋を閉め、レストレードの声が廊下に響いてきたところで絨毯が真っすぐに引き延ばされた。戻ってきたレストレードが見たのは変わらず退屈そうにマントルピースに寄りかかって、あくびをかみ殺しているホームズの姿だった。


“Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Holmes. I can see that you are bored to death with the whole affair. Well, he has confessed, all right. Come in here, MacPherson. Let these gentlemen hear of your most inexcusable conduct.”

The big constable, very hot and penitent, sidled into the room.



“I meant no harm, sir, I'm sure. The young woman came to the door last evening mistook the house, she did. And then we got talking. It's lonesome, when you're on duty here all day.”

“Well, what happened then?”




“She wanted to see where the crime was done had read about it in the papers, she said. She was a very respectable, well-spoken young woman, sir, and I saw no harm in letting her have a peep. When she saw that mark on the carpet, down she dropped on the floor, and lay as if she were dead. I ran to the back and got some water, but I could not bring her to. Then I went round the corner to the Ivy Plant for some brandy, and by the time I had brought it back the young woman had recovered and was off ashamed of herself, I daresay, and dared not face me.”



“How about moving that drugget?”

“Well, sir, it was a bit rumpled, certainly, when I came back. You see, she fell on it and it lies on a polished floor with nothing to keep it in place. I straightened it out afterward.”



“It's a lesson to you that you can't deceive me, Constable MacPherson," said Lestrade, with dignity. "No doubt you thought that your breach of duty could never be discovered, and yet a mere glance at that drugget was enough to convince me that someone had been admitted to the room. It's lucky for you, my man, that nothing is missing, or you would find yourself in Queer Street. I'm sorry to have called you down over such a petty business, Mr. Holmes, but I thought the point of the second stain not corresponding with the first would interest you.”



“Certainly, it was most interesting. Has this woman only been here once, constable?”

“Yes, sir, only once.”



“Who was she?”

“Don't know the name, sir. Was answering an advertisement about typewriting, and came to the wrong number very pleasant, genteel young woman, sir.”


“Tall? Handsome?”

“Yes, sir, she was a well-grown young woman. I suppose you might say she was handsome. Perhaps some would say she was very handsome. 'Oh, officer, do let me have a peep!' says she. She had pretty,coaxing ways, as you might say, and I thought there was no harm in letting her just put her head through the door.”

「背は高かったか? 美人か?」



“How was she dressed?”

“Quiet, sir a long mantle down to her feet.”

“What time was it?”

“It was just growing dusk at the time. They were lighting the lamps as I came back with the brandy.”



“Very good,” said Holmes. “Come, Watson, I think that we have more important work elsewhere.”



