

翻訳1-11『The Adventure of the Second Stain』

シャーロック・ホームズの短編『第二の血痕(The Adventure of the Second Stain)』の原作を、自分好みに気楽に訳しています。



The Return of Sherlock Holmes/Chapter 13 - Wikisource, the free online library


The butler had hardly closed the door behind him when Lady Hilda was down on her knees at Holmes' feet, her hands out-stretched, her beautiful face upturned and wet with her tears.



“Oh, spare me, Mr. Holmes! Spare me!” she pleaded, in a frenzy of supplication. “For heaven's sake, don't tell him! I love him so! I would not bring one shadow on his life, and this I know would break his noble heart.”

「ああ、赦して、ホームズさん! 赦して!」彼女は気が動転したように必死でそう訴えた。「お願いですから彼に言わないでください! 愛しているんです! あの人の心に一つの影も落としたくないんです。このことを知ってしまったら、あの人の美しい心は壊れてしまいます」


Holmes raised the lady. “I am thankful, madam, that you have come to your senses even at this last moment! There is not an instant to lose. Where is the letter?”

ホームズは夫人を立ち上がらせた。「感謝いたします、マダム、最後にようやく正気に戻っていただけたことを! もう時間がありません。手紙はどこですか?」


She darted across to a writing-desk, unlocked it, and drew out a long blue envelope.

“Here it is, Mr. Holmes. Would to heaven I had never seen it!”



“How can we return it?” Holmes muttered. “Quick, quick, we must think of some way ! Where is the despatch-box?”

“Still in his bedroom.”

“What a stroke of luck! Quick, madam, bring it here!”

「どうやって戻せばいいんだ?」ホームズは呟いた。「早く、早く、何か考えなければ! 文書箱はどこですか?」
「何という幸運だ! 早く、マダム、それをここへ!」


A moment later she had appeared with a red flat box in her hand.

“How did you open it before? You have a duplicate key? Yes, of course you have. Open it!”

「以前はどうやって開けたんです? スペアの鍵を持っているんですか? そうだ、当然持っていますね。これを開けて!」


From out of her bosom Lady Hilda had drawn a small key. The box flew open. It was stuffed with papers. Holmes thrust the blue envelope deep down into the heart of them, between the leaves of some other document. The box was shut, locked, and returned to the bedroom.



“Now we are ready for him,” said Holmes. “We have still ten minutes. I am going far to screen you, Lady Hilda. In return you will spend the time in telling me frankly the real meaning of this extraordinary affair.”

“Mr. Holmes, I will tell you everything,” cried the lady.



“Oh, Mr. Holmes, I would cut off my right hand before I gave him a moment of sorrow! There is no woman in all London who loves her husband as I do, and yet if he knew how I have acted —how I have been compelled to act he would never forgive me. For his own honour stands so high that he could not forget or pardon a lapse in another. Help me, Mr. Holmes! My happiness, his happiness, our very lives are at stake!”

「ああ、ホームズさん、わたくしはあの人を少しでも悲しませるくらいならこの右手を切り落としたっていいほどなんです! わたくしくらい夫を愛している人間はロンドンにはいませんわ、それなのに、あの人がわたくしのしてしまったことを知ったら――そうさせられたとどう話しても赦してはくれないでしょう。心の気高い人ですから他人の過ちを忘れたり赦すこともできないんです。助けてください、ホームズさん! わたくしの幸福とあの人の幸福、わたくしたちの全てがかかっているんです!」


“Quick, madam, the time grows short!”



“It was a letter of mine, Mr. Holmes, an indiscreet letter written before my marriage a foolish letter, a letter of an impulsive, loving girl. I meant no harm, and yet he would have thought it criminal. Had he read that letter his confidence would have been forever destroyed. It is years since I wrote it. I had thought that the whole matter was forgotten.



Then at last I heard from this man, Lucas, that it had passed into his hands, and that he would lay it before my husband. I implored his mercy. He said that he would return my letter if I would bring him a certain document which he described in my husband's despatch-box. He had some spy in the office who had told him of its existence. He assured me that no harm could come to my husband. Put yourself in my position, Mr. Holmes! What was I to do?”

ところが、あの男、ルーカスから聞いたんです、わたくしの書いた手紙を彼は持っていて、それを夫に見せると言うんです。わたくしは慈悲を乞いましたわ。すると彼は夫の文書箱にある手紙を持ってくればわたくしの手紙を返してくれると言いました。彼のスパイが官庁にいてその手紙の存在を把握したようなのです。手紙を取ってきても夫には何の害もないと彼は保証しました。わたくしの立場でしたら、ホームズさん、どうなさいました? どうしたら良かったのでしょう?」


“Take your husband into your confidence.”



“I could not, Mr. Holmes, I could not! On the one side seemed certain ruin, on the other, terrible as it seemed to take my husband's paper, still in a matter of politics I could not understand the consequences, while in a matter of love and trust they were only too clear to me. I did it, Mr. Holmes! I took an impression of his key. This man, Lucas, furnished a duplicate. I opened his despatch-box, took the paper, and conveyed it to Godolphin Street.”

「わたくしにはできませんでした、ホームズさん、できなかったんです! 一方には明らかな破滅があり、もう一方には恐ろしい、夫の手紙を盗むという行為がありました。政治のことなんてわたくしには理解できません、でも、愛についてはそれだけは理解できます。わたくしは実行しましたわ、ホームズさん! 鍵の写しを取りました。あの男、ルーカスが鍵のスペアを作ったんです。わたくしは書類箱を開けて手紙を取り出し、ゴドルフィン街へ持っていきました」


“What happened there, madam?”



“I tapped at the door as agreed. Lucas opened it. I followed him into his room, leaving the hall door ajar behind me, for I feared to be alone with the man. I remember that there was a woman outside as I entered. Our business was soon done. He had my letter on his desk, I handed him the document. He gave me the letter. At this instant there was a sound at the door. There were steps in the passage. Lucas quickly turned back the drugget, thrust the document into some hiding-place there, and covered it over.



“What happened after that is like some fearful dream. I have a vision of a dark, frantic face, of a woman's voice, which screamed in French, ‘My waiting is not in vain. At last, at last I have found you with her!’ There was a savage struggle. I saw him with a chair in his hand, a knife gleamed in hers. I rushed from the horrible scene, ran from the house, and only next morning in the paper did I learn the dreadful result. That night I was happy, for I had my letter, and I had not seen yet what the future would bring.

「そのあとに起こったことは恐ろしい夢のようでした。暗く、必死の形相が現れ、女性の声がフランス語で叫んでいました。”こうして待っていたのも無駄じゃなかったわ、とうとう見つけたわよ、その女といるところを!” そしてひどい喧嘩を始めたんです。彼は手で椅子を持ち上げ、彼女の手にはナイフが光っていました。わたくしは怖くなってそこから逃げ出しました。そして、翌日の朝、新聞を見てわたくしは恐ろしいことになっていたことを知ったんです。手紙を取り戻した夜は幸せだったのですが、それはまだ将来何が起こるかわかっていなかったからでしたわ。


“It was the next morning that I realized that I had only exchanged one trouble for another. My husband's anguish at the loss of his paper went to my heart. I could hardly prevent myself from there and then kneeling down at his feet and telling him what I had done. But that again would mean a confession of the past. I came to you that morning in order to understand the full enormity of my offence.



From the instant that I grasped it my whole mind was turned to the one thought of getting back my husband's paper. It must still be where Lucas had placed it, for it was concealed before this dreadful woman entered the room. If it had not been for her coming, I should not have known where his hiding-place was.



How was I to get into the room? For two days I watched the place, but the door was never left open. Last night I made a last attempt. What I did and how I succeeded, you have already learned. I brought the paper back with me, and thought of destroying it, since I could see no way of returning it without confessing my guilt to my husband. Heavens, I hear his step upon the stair!”

どうしたらあの部屋に入ることができるのでしょう? 二日間わたくしはあの部屋を観察していましたが、ドアは閉まったままでした。昨夜わたくしは最後の方法を試しました。わたくしが何をしたか、それがどう成功したかは、あなたはもうご存じですわね。わたくしは手紙を持ち帰りました。捨ててしまおうかとも思いました。わたくしの過ちを夫に告白しなければ、元に戻すことはできないように思えたからです。どうしましょう、彼が戻ってきましたわ!」






追記:二ヶ月振りに誤訳を発見してしまったので直しました……"not in vain"の not を見落としていました。not を見落すパターンで二度目ですね……気をつけたいと思います。