

翻訳1-5『The Adventure of the Second Stain』

シャーロック・ホームズの短編『第二の血痕(The Adventure of the Second Stain)』の原作を、自分好みに気楽に訳しています。



The Return of Sherlock Holmes/Chapter 13 - Wikisource, the free online library



A crime of mysterious character was committed last night at 16, Godolphin Street, one of the old-fashioned and secluded rows of eighteenth century houses which lie between the river and the Abbey, almost in the shadow of the great Tower of the Houses of Parliament. This small but select mansion has been inhabited for some years by Mr. Eduardo Lucas, well known in society circles both on account of his charming personality and because he has the well-deserved reputation of being one of the best amateur tenors in the country. Mr. Lucas is an unmarried man, thirty-four years of age, and his establishment consists of Mrs. Pringle, an elderly housekeeper, and of Mitton, his valet. The former retires early and sleeps at the top of the house. The valet was out for the evening, visiting a friend at Hammersmith. From ten o'clock onward Mr. Lucas had the house to himself. What occurred during that time has not yet transpired, but at a quarter to twelve Police-constable Barrett, passing along Godolphin Street, observed that the door of No. 16 was ajar. He knocked, but received no answer. Perceiving a light in the front room, he advanced into the passage and again knocked, but without reply. He then pushed open the door and entered. The room was in a state of wild disorder, the furniture being all swept to one side, and one chair lying on its back in the centre. Beside this chair, and still grasping one of its legs, lay the unfortunate tenant of the house. He had been stabbed to the heart and must have died instantly. The knife with which the crime had been committed was a curved Indian dagger, plucked down from a trophy of Oriental arms which adorned one of the walls. Robbery does not appear to have been the motive of the crime, for there had been no attempt to remove the valuable contents of the room. Mr. Eduardo Lucas was so well known and popular that his violent and mysterious fate will arouse painful interest and intense sympathy in a widespread circle of friends.


“Well, Watson, what do you make of this?” asked Holmes, after a long pause.

“It is an amazing coincidence.”

“A coincidence! Here is one of the three men whom we had named as possible actors in this drama, and he meets a violent death during the very hours when we know that that drama was being enacted. The odds are enormous against its being coincidence. No figures could express them. No, my dear Watson, the two events are connected—must be connected. It is for us to find the connection.”



「偶然! 僕らがこの事件の役者だと目を付けた三人のうちの一人が、まさにその事件が起こった時間に殺されたんだぞ。これが偶然だったら天文学的な確率だ。どんな数字にだって表せないほどさ。ちがうよ、親愛なるワトソン君、二つの事件には繋がりがある――なくちゃいけないんだ。僕たちはその繋がりを見つけなければならない」


“But now the official police must know all.”

“Not at all. They know all they see at Godolphin Street. They know—and shall know—nothing of Whitehall Terrace. Only we know of both events, and can trace the relation between them. There is one obvious point which would, in any case, have turned my suspicions against Lucas. Godolphin Street, Westminster, is only a few minutes' walk from Whitehall Terrace. The other secret agents whom I have named live in the extreme West End. It was easier, therefore, for Lucas than for the others to establish a connection or receive a message from the European Secretary's household—a small thing, and yet where events are compressed into a few hours it may prove essential. Halloa! what have we here?”


「そんなことはないさ。警察が把握しているのはゴドルフィン街の事件だけだ。ホワイトホールテラスのことは何も知らないし――そうでなくちゃならない。僕たちだけが両方の事件について知っていて、二つの事件の関係を追えるのも僕たちだけだ。一つの明白な点がある、それによってとにかく僕はルーカスがこの件に関わっていたと思うんだ。ウェストミンスターはホワイトホールから歩いて数分だという点だよ。他の諜報員はウェストエンドの端に住んでいる。ルーカスは他の諜報員より、欧州担当大臣の家の人間と関係を築いたり連絡を受けたりするのが簡単だったはずだ――これは些細なことかもしれないが、二つの事件が数時間のあいだに起きていることを考えると、重大なことかもしれない。おや! 今度は何だ?」


Mrs. Hudson had appeared with a lady's card upon her salver. Holmes glanced at it, raised his eyebrows, and handed it over to me.

“Ask Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope if she will be kind enough to step up,” said he.



A moment later our modest apartment, already so distinguished that morning, was further honoured by the entrance of the most lovely woman in London. I had often heard of the beauty of the youngest daughter of the Duke of Belminster, but no description of it, and no contemplation of colourless photographs, had prepared me for the subtle, delicate charm and the beautiful colouring of that exquisite head. And yet as we saw it that autumn morning, it was not its beauty which would be the first thing to impress the observer. The cheek was lovely but it was paled with emotion, the eyes were bright,but it was the brightness of fever, the sensitive mouth was tight and drawn in an effort after self-command. Terror not beauty was what sprang first to the eye as our fair visitor stood framed for an instant in the open door.



“Has my husband been here, Mr. Holmes?”

“Yes, madam, he has been here.”

“Mr. Holmes, I implore you not to tell him that I came here.” Holmes bowed coldly, and motioned the lady to a chair.

“You ladyship places me in a very delicate position. I beg that you will sit down and tell me what you desire, but I fear that I can not make any unconditional promise.”



She swept across the room and seated herself with her back to the window. It was a queenly presence—tall, graceful, and intensely womanly.



